Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's official

  Asher is officially crawling.  It was so amazing, he crawled into the other room.  I stood all amazed with awe and yet about to cry inside.  I am not ready for this little guy to grow up, being my last.  All day I watched as he so masterfully moved to grab and pull things.  He is just tickled pink to be able to now get what he wants.  I also have to clean.  Thank goodness its Spring?  just in time to clean. 
I did not take any picture yet so I will post again tomorrow.

On other notes...  Espen is now 6 and I haven't planned his party.  I suck!!  I can not manage to make invites and plan a party.  For what ever reason party planning is not my thing.  I want it to be, I want to have a great party, I have had plenty. I just can not get my self together to plan a party.  Besides this weekend is full of so many things.  So he will have a belated party again this year. 

He also got a fantastic gift from his friend. 

At soccer practice his friend hands him a wrapped present,  both boys just giddy.  His mother leans over to me and apologizes for the gift.  My mind starts to imagine all the things that would warrant an apology.  Slime or goo, fart bag or noisy thing like it, fake snot or vomit,  I kept considering more. 
I was not prepared when my son opens the plastic clear container, one for storing food, and shows me a
muddy mess inside.  I am still clueless at this time.  "A pet worm"  Espen explains.  His friend jumping out of his pants at this point.  His mother continues to explain how her son planned to give him this worm he searched for just for Espen.  He begged her for days to be able to give it to him.  Next we were naming it and planing a place at home for Grabby. 

I actually liked the idea.  I really did not want more toys to clean up or pick up any more.  A worm I can handle. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Asher Crawling

Tonight was fun, Asher started to move all around.  He is not actually crawling, just getting up on his knees and lunging forward.  It does the job to get him across the room.  All he wants to do know is move.  He won't stay in one place any more.  Now I need to start checking the floor for everything.  Just when I get used to one thing another starts.
 He was so excited to get up and stand.  He started pulling up, {I helped a bit} he stood there and bounced and danced, so excited about himself.
 Last week we were supporting him when he sat up.  Now he sits by himself.
 Drooling is also a big part of our lives. 

Asher's Check up

I finally went in to check Asher's stats.  He is doing well and on track

His weight is 16lbs.7 oz.  He is  42%.

His height is 27 3/4 inches and he is 94%.

And his head is 41 3/4cm.  That is at 11%.

Yes he has a very small head.  Most people think he is very young because they only see his head poking out of his blanket or coat.  It kind of funny.  He still uses my favorite hat, the owl.

He's moving quite a bit now.  We got used to leaving him on the couch for naps and now he is in his bed.  He rolls, starting to climb, and scooting a bit.

 He is constantly making great faces.  Those dimples have me in!

 Here he is at Easter for our family gathering and he also had his blessing where he was given his name. 
Now that he sits up he loves to be up.  He has learned how to stabilize himself.  He loves to grab things and sucks on everything.  His hair is still crazy but it at least lays flat er. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Break

Spring Break is here too soon.  I never have gotten planned for it in time.  I wanted to go to the mountain and enjoy some snow.  We did and my kids did.  I sat in the car and hotel with little man.  It was too cold for him to be outside to much.  He slept well in the hotel.  In fact when I told Espen we were staying the night he was more excited about the hotel than the snow.  He loves hotels. 

 Asher really did well and played.  The kids played out side the hotel in the snow.  We also went up to White river to sled for free.  That is always fun.